Monday, February 14, 2011

YouTube - Minesweeper - The Movie

YouTube - Minesweeper - The Movie

Monday, January 10, 2011

Adult Swim Video : Squidbillies : Upsetting the Balance of Creation

Adult Swim Video : Squidbillies : Upsetting the Balance of Creation

Adult Swim Video : Squidbillies : The Ultimate Party Platter

Adult Swim Video : Squidbillies : The Ultimate Party Platter

The common statistical thread between psychiatric diagnosis and grad school rankings. - By Jordan Ellenberg - Slate Magazine

The common statistical thread between psychiatric diagnosis and grad school rankings. - By Jordan Ellenberg - Slate Magazine

The Mathematics of Narcissism

The common statistical thread between psychiatric diagnosis and grad school rankings.

Graduation cap. Click image to expand.There will be no more narcissists or paranoids by 2013—at least not officially. The upcoming fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 10 years in the making, will exclude "narcissistic and paranoid personality disorder" from its list of designated psychiatric diagnoses, along with "histrionic, dependent, and schizoid personality disorder." (Psychopaths, take heart—you're back in the book, after being written out of the DSM-IV.) The reshuffle hasn't been embraced by everyone: Clinicians of the traditional school worry that existing knowledge about best treatment for narcissistic patients will be lost to history along with the diagnosis itself. John Gunderson, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School and the chair of the personality disorders group for the previous DSM, wrote that the new guidelines in DSM-V needed decades of research to become "scientifically credible or clinically useful."

Another long-gestating project—the National Research Council's ranking of U.S. graduate programs in 59 subject areas—wrapped up in 2010 as well. The ranking came in five years overdue, and its results, like the new DSM, roused widespread dissatisfaction. Stephen Stigler, a professor of statistics at the University of Chicago, described the methodological problems as so severe that the project was "doomed from the start."

The particulars of the two scientific disputes are too gnarled to detail here. In a mathematical sense, though, the controversies are much alike. They both rest on the tension between two fundamentally different strategies of data analysis, clusteringand dimension reduction.

Suppose you've got a large collection of objects—say, graduate programs in mathematics, or psychiatric patients. For each object you have a large collection of measurements. For the graduate programs, you can assess the average time to degree or median publications per faculty member. For the patients, the measurements could be responses to diagnostic questionnaires or assessments by clinicians on various scales.

But when someone wants to know "what's wrong with my patient?" or "which graduate school should I go to?" a list of two dozen numbers isn't so helpful. You need a human-readable description of the object in question.

One way to do this is clustering—you look for divisions along which the objects of study cleave naturally into groups bearing common features. This is the DSM-IV approach to clinical diagnosis: Narcissists resemble other narcissists more than they resemble paranoids, or borderlines, or people without any personality disorder at all. Humans are born clusterers—we almost can't help doing it. Entities neither fish nor fowl discomfit us: Politicians are liberal or conservative, animals break up into phyla, pop songs are black metal or death metal or math rock or shoegaze or grime.

Then there's dimension reduction—here, we try to boil down the many measurements to a few numbers that really matter. This is what we do when we boil down all the aspects of a baseball player's performance to his batting average (or, nowadays, OPS and Wins Above Replacement). It's what the NRC was charged with doing—given all the data about graduate programs, put them in order from best to worst. And it's the way the DSM, in its latest edition, now proposes to reclassify personality disorders. Instead of partitioning patients into groups, they are now measured on six personality axes: negative emotionality, introversion, antagonism, disinhibition, compulsivity, and schizotypy. The patient previously known as "the narcissist" will now be a high scorer on four facets of "antagonism": callousness, manipulativeness, narcissism, and histrionism. In the new paradigm, there's no breakpoint where one personality disorder stops and another begins—there's such a thing as narcissism, but no such thing as a narcissist.

The tough part of dimension reduction is figuring out which few numbers to use. Getting to consensus on the six personality axes took years. And if that sounds hard, consider the charge given to the NRC, which had to capture the essential features of a graduate program with a single number. That's a tall order—imagine if the DSM group had to devise a linear scale to rank patients from sanest to most crazy!

In the end, the NRC group couldn't agree on a uniform ranking. Instead, they offered a range of possible metrics and an interactive tool where users can rank departments via various dimensions endorsed by the NRC or using their own homebrewed measures. This compromise, statistically principled though it may have been, satisfied nobody. After waiting 10 years for the rankings to come out, people wanted their department's standing to be more definitive than "between 6th and 16th, depending on which metric you choose." (And the complaints about the NRC rankings weren't purely methodological—many departments complained the dataset itself was hopelessly shot through with error.)

So, what's the right way to tame your data? It depends on the objects. The researchers driving the changes in DSM take the view, which has some empirical support, that peoplereally do vary continuously from normal to disordered. On that account, carving out various precincts of psychopathology is like divvying up people into "beanpoles," "fatties," and "pipsqueaks" instead of reporting their height and weight. Dimension reduction is the way to go.

The NRC, on the other hand, might have done better to toss the idea of rankings entirely, and just clustered the departments into natural groupings. The statistician Leland Wilkinson ran a quick and dirty clustering on the NRC data for math departments. He found that the departments broke up into five clusters: 10 elite departments, a big group of 59 upper-tier departments, 47 lower-tier departments, and two smaller clusters whose meaning, if any, isn't clear to me. This is much coarser information than a full ranking—but it has the advantage of not depending on politically contentious choices as to which criteria matter most.

In the end, dimension reduction and clustering are going to have to coexist. We rely on continuous metrics to describe baseball players, but at the same time we form mental clusters around prototypes like the plodding slugger and the crafty slap hitter. We cluster our music collections into genres and our politicians into parties, but it can be just as illustrative to map bands and senators in two dimensions using continuous coordinates. So narcissists, and the therapists who treat them, can breathe easy—the notion of the narcissist was alive before the diagnosis broke into the DSM in 1980, and it will persist after the diagnosis is gone.

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YouTube - Crashproof Motorbike

YouTube - Crashproof Motorbike: ""

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Humor Can Make You Homeless? | Laugh-O-Nomics | Humor in the Workplace from Motivational Speaker & Humorist Brad Montgomery

Humor Can Make You Homeless? | Laugh-O-Nomics | Humor in the Workplace from Motivational Speaker & Humorist Brad Montgomery

The Bum Game

The Bum Game.

The object of this game is to hold a steady job and find a real home. You start out as a bum on the street so you'll need to beg for change and find food anywhere you can.

Start by entering your bum name:

This game simulates real life as a bum so if you're some wussy, politically correct cry-baby who hates loud music and likes to ban books, you probably shouldn't play it. However, unlike you, we're not in the business of telling people what to do or think, so if you want to play it, go right ahead.
The Bum Game was inspired by Front Door Enterprises' brilliant Bumvertising™ marketing campaign. If you've never heard of Bumvertising™, learning more about that form of advertising and bum society in general will give you an advantage in this game. All images relating to Bumvertising™ have been used with permission.

The Bum Game
Character Info
Special Skill:Harmonica
Impairment:Chronically Lazy
Health:• • • • Excellent
Hygiene:• • • • Clean
Hunger:• • • • Satisfied
Fatigue:• • • • Wide Awake
Happiness:• • • • Joyful
Clean White T-Shirt
Clean Blue Jeans
Leather Boots
Tin Cup

More games from the
makers of the Bum Game >>

Exit Game

Corner of 75th and Maple

You're standing on a street corner with nothing but the clothes on your back and some change in your pocket. In the land of opportunity, it's never too late to turn your life around. Now go get a job and a place to live so you can leave this sad chapter of your life in the past!
Available OptionsTravel

Homeless People Advertising - Marketing with a Bumvertising Campaign

Homeless People Advertising - Marketing with a Bumvertising Campaign

Bumvertising™ would like to welcome and thank its newest advertiser, Strategic Domination™ has hired Bumvertising™ to utilize sign holding vagrants from around the world, in an international Bumvertising™ campaign of unseen proportions.
Learn more >>

Episode 3: The Sign Business is a Fine Business
The Bumvertising™ team talks to Navy Dave (aka Leprechaun) about the sign holding business.

Episode 2: Give Me a Sign
Bumvertising™ starts a new program this week to help bums replace their worn out begging signs.

Episode 1: Bumvertising™ Ride Along
Hit the pavement with Ben as he conducts his rounds hiring bums to hold ads.

Daily Show Feature
Watch this humorous take on Bumvertising™ featuring one of our previous advertisers.

Bumvertising™ Featured on The Gruen Transfer
The popular Australian TV program, The Gruen Transfer, is a prime time show that focuses on the advertising industry. Their opening segment in last week's episode was a discussion addressing practical products to promote using Bumvertising campaigns. In response to the show, several well known Australian marketing agencies have contacted us about hiring bums in the land down under. We are primarily familiar with the patterns and preferences of American vagrants, so if you know anything about Aussie swagmen that might help us out, let us know!
Bumvertising™ is the use of sign-holding vagrants to advertise. Homeless men and women are able to provide a valuable and tangible service to a company, while receiving an additional revenue stream in combination with their normal donations from begging.

Pam proudly holds her sign for passing motorists. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome leaves her in constant pain.

Adopt a Bum
Not only is Bumvertising a great way for companies to advertise, it's also a great way to help the needy. Make a donation to a bum through our web site and let us know what you’d like us to buy with it. Then we’ll go out and find a hard working bum to give your donation to. You’ll receive pictures of your bum and his personal story of gratitude when he receives your gifts.
Learn More >>

Using Bumvertising is surely cheaper than trying to sponsor atexas holdem poker team or buying a billboard on the very same corner a bum will stand on. Working with us benefits both you and somebody who is truly in need, what could be better than that?

Homeless People Advertising - Bumvertising™

Bumvertising™, or the use of sign holding vagrants to advertise, is a development of Front Door Enterprise, a specialty marketing firm.

Benjamin Rogovy, president and chief economist of Front Door Enterprises, developed this system after realizing the enormous potential in wasted homeless labor. Bums use a business model that takes advantage of high volume traffic, with the expectation that, on average, a certain number of people will donate to them in the form of cash, clothing, or food. Some people, by principle, will never give a homeless man money. Some will give food to them whenever they can. But what is the use of holding up a bum sign to 99% of car traffic that will only read but never donate to these vagrants? With such great exposure, Mr. Rogovy imagined that there had to be some value that was not being utilized. Many other companies, such as Strategy Game Network have also pledged to endorse this model.

Through his own effort and the assistance of his marketing team, Mr. Rogovy developed signs and accumulated the resources that most bums would find attractive. Money, sandwiches, chips, apples, water, and other beverages have all been dispensed in order to compensate the homeless in the Seattle Bumvertising™ campaign.

It is also Mr. Rogovy's belief that bums will incur higher revenues from donations after showing the initiative to seek out semi-legitimate employment. Many of the vagabonds of our Bumvertising campaigns remark that they are receiving more comments and questions than ever. "People are actually reading my signs!", remarked Robert, one of Bumvertising's most loyal derelicts. "I thought they just handed me a dollar but never read what I was saying."

Currently, the highest concentration of Bumvertisements are being placed at the on and off ramps of I-5 at the 45th and 50th street exits. Please learn more about some of the Bumvertising campaign's most important assets at the gallery.

Bad Alf! VIDEO: YouTube Clip of N-Word-Laced 'Alf' Outtakes Ignites Controversy - Live Feed

VIDEO: YouTube Clip of N-Word-Laced 'Alf' Outtakes Ignites Controversy - Live Feed

A classic '80s TV character is getting a second shot at fame -- or actually, infamy -- thanks to a blooper reel posted on YouTube that features the puppet star of Alf using the N-word repeatedly.

The clip of outtakes was posted online a year ago without much notice, but controversy was recently ignited when it went viral after being featured on the kitsch website BadTVBlog on Dec. 21.

The video includes excerpts from show rehearsals in which the alien character (a hand-puppet operated by series creator Paul Fusco) is seen parodying a then-recent 1989 episode of L.A. Law that included a character with Tourette's Syndrome uttering the N-word. The puppet can also be heard cursing and using sexual innuendo during scenes with a female co-star. The Tourette's segment begins at the 4:40 mark in the video below. Warning: graphic language.